Virtuous ROM Series

Today we are announcing our new series of ROM's, moving forward we will splitting ROM's in to 3 categories. Each with a different focus and appealing to different types of users. The 3 series are as follows;

  • S-Series (Stock)
  • U-Series (Ultimate)
  • X-Series (Experimental)


S Series ROM's as the title says will be built pretty close to stock, with basic optimisations and tweaks. This series is designed for people who rely on there phone 24/7 and are not looking for the latest and greatest features. These ROM's will only be updated if and when an official release is announced. We will not use leaks or test ROM's. We also encourage people to use these stable builds as bases for their own ROM's There are currently a few ROM's available in this series and we plan to include ROM's for all the devices we own.


The Ultimate Series is likely to be where most of our attention will be focused. ROM's in this series are going to include ports from other devices or heavily modified stock ROM's. However to be considered a U-Series ROM, it must be feature complete and suitable for everyday to use. These ROM's will receive regular updates with the aim of making them feature packed and on the cutting edge. Some of our most popular projects will be included in this series:


This series is for ROM's that are not feature complete, are test builds that may or may not receive any future updates. We generally would not recommend these builds for people that rely on there phone 100% of the time, they may, assuming you can live with bugs or missing features be suitable for daily use. Some ROM's may start as Experimental but may move up to the Ultimate Series once they become stable. Currently the only ROM available in this series is Virtuous Quattro. But we plan to expand this range by adding more of the builds we make for personal testing purposes. These builds may or may not come with support depending on the future of the project.


Unknown said...


stromy said...

lol I see what you did there.

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