Back in these days Flemmard and Diamondback managed to crack these files open, giving the users the ability to extract, edit and repack the images.
It didn't take long until HTC switched the internal image format of these files and theming support for the upcoming Sense versions was lost (3.5 and later).
Only recently Flemmard and Diamondback achieved another breakthrough, they finally found out what the mysterious image were all about. Thanks to their great efforts and the amazing theming skills of Cypis we are finally able to present you:
the world's first fully featured Sense 4 skin
The Virtuous Slate skin comes in a handy single-apk download right from the Google Play store.
It features a very classy and timeless design, without any distracting decorations or adornments.See yourself in the screenshots from Google Play.
The skin currently comes in two versions. A HD version and a qHD one. This is very important. Based on what device you are using, you need to download the correct skin.
- Devices with a native resolution of 720p like the One X or the One XL need to download the HD version. This also includes devices running a custom ROM based on a One X/XL ROM. (no matter what screen resolution)
- Devices with a native qHD resolution (like the One S) or devices that run a custom port based on a Sense 4 ROM for a qHD device need to download the qHD version. This is also the correct option for users running Virtuous Infinity.
So all in all: If your device runs a ROM based on a HD ROM, use the HD skin, if your device runs a ROM on qHD basis, use the qHD skin.
We need to distribute two seperate versions because qHD and HD ROMs need differently sized images. Unfortunately we can't put that in one apk.