Fake Virtuous Sites

We just noticed the existence of a fake Virtuous ROM page, with a form there to register for betas. Please be warned that the two only websites supported by us: www.virtuousrom.com and unity.flemmard.net. Please do not enter any information on any other sites claiming to be associated with Virtuous.


Matt said...

Well that's not very virtuous of them.

Anonymous said...

It's like they say, once your on top everyone will be grabbing at your heels. I'm actually surprised that some one would go through that much effort just to have the site, it's not like they gain anything from it being up.

To each his own.....

shortlived said...

If you stop using url shorteners it would make it a lot easier to know where your going. Just a thought

Darren Winter said...

dammit. i was hoping this was a tongue-in-cheek landing page for the real unity beta.

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